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vst-32 2.7 Error

(2021-04-10 01:03:28 UTC)


# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
coq                 8.12.0      Formal proof management system
num                 1.4         The legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
ocaml               4.11.1      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.1      Official release 4.11.1
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.1       A library manager for OCaml
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "Verified Software Toolchain"
description: "The software toolchain includes static analyzers to check assertions about your program; optimizing compilers to translate your program to machine language; operating systems and libraries to supply context for your program. The Verified Software Toolchain project assures with machine-checked proofs that the assertions claimed at the top of the toolchain really hold in the machine-language program, running in the operating-system context."
authors: [
  "Andrew W. Appel"
  "Lennart Beringer"
  "Sandrine Blazy"
  "Qinxiang Cao"
  "Santiago Cuellar"
  "Robert Dockins"
  "Josiah Dodds"
  "Nick Giannarakis"
  "Samuel Gruetter"
  "Aquinas Hobor"
  "Jean-Marie Madiot"
  "William Mansky"
maintainer: "VST team"
homepage: "http://vst.cs.princeton.edu/"
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST.git"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST/issues"
license: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST/master/LICENSE"
build: [
  [make "-j%{jobs}%" "BITSIZE=32"]
install: [
  [make "install" "BITSIZE=32"]
depends: [
  "coq" {>= "8.12" & < "8.14"}
  "coq-compcert-32" {(= "3.8") | (= "3.8~open-source")}
  "coq-flocq" {>= "3.2.1"}
tags: [
  "category:CS/Semantics and Compilation/Semantics"
patches: ["makefile.patch"]
url {
  src: "https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST/archive/v2.7.tar.gz"
  checksum: "sha256=970be13e71bdb013e2b9de64aecf1dda08228dd8ef3a1f6e4bb23ccd3a0896d3"


Return code

Dry install

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-vst-32.2.7 coq.8.12.0
Return code

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

Return code

Install dependencies

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 4000000; timeout 2h opam install -y --deps-only coq-vst-32.2.7 coq.8.12.0
Return code
32 m 35 s


opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 16000000; timeout 2h opam install -y -v coq-vst-32.2.7 coq.8.12.0
Return code
2 h 0 m
# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-g++            1.0         Virtual package relying on the g++ compiler (for C++)
coq                 8.12.0      Formal proof management system
coq-compcert-32     3.8         The CompCert C compiler (32 bit)
coq-flocq           3.4.0       A formalization of floating-point arithmetic for the Coq system
coq-menhirlib       20210310    A support library for verified Coq parsers produced by Menhir
dune                2.8.5       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
menhir              20210310    An LR(1) parser generator
menhirLib           20210310    Runtime support library for parsers generated by Menhir
menhirSdk           20210310    Compile-time library for auxiliary tools related to Menhir
num                 1.4         The legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
ocaml               4.11.1      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.1      Official release 4.11.1
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.1       A library manager for OCaml
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is 8.12.0).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install coq-vst-32 2.7
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/1: [coq-vst-32.2.7: http]
[coq-vst-32.2.7] downloaded from https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST/archive/v2.7.tar.gz
Processing  1/1:
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/2: [coq-vst-32: patch]
Processing  1/2: [coq-vst-32: make]
+ /home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "make" "-j4" "BITSIZE=32" (CWD=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/.opam-switch/build/coq-vst-32.2.7)
- COMPCERT=platform
- COMPCERT_INST_DIR=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert
- ARCH=x86
- INSTALLDIR=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq-variant/VST32/VST
- COQFLAGS=  -Q msl VST.msl   -Q sepcomp VST.sepcomp   -Q veric VST.veric   -Q floyd VST.floyd   -Q progs VST.progs   -Q concurrency VST.concurrency     -Q wand_demo wand_demo   -Q sha sha   -Q hmacfcf hmacfcf   -Q tweetnacl20140427 tweetnacl20140427   -Q hmacdrbg hmacdrbg   -Q aes aes   -Q mailbox mailbox   -Q atomics atomics    -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight  
- COMPCERT_R_FLAGS= -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight
- =================================
- coqdep ... >.depend
- coqdep -vos   -Q msl VST.msl   -Q sepcomp VST.sepcomp   -Q veric VST.veric   -Q floyd VST.floyd   -Q progs VST.progs   -Q concurrency VST.concurrency     -Q wand_demo wand_demo   -Q sha sha   -Q hmacfcf hmacfcf   -Q tweetnacl20140427 tweetnacl20140427   -Q hmacdrbg hmacdrbg   -Q aes aes   -Q mailbox mailbox   -Q atomics atomics    -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight   2>&1 >.depend `find msl sepcomp veric floyd progs concurrency wand_demo sha hmacfcf tweetnacl20140427 hmacdrbg aes mailbox atomics -name "*.v"` | grep -v 'Warning:.*found in the loadpath' || true
- wc .depend
-   2769  24142 653274 .depend
- COMPCERT=platform
- COMPCERT_INST_DIR=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert
- ARCH=x86
- INSTALLDIR=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq-variant/VST32/VST
- COQFLAGS=  -Q msl VST.msl   -Q sepcomp VST.sepcomp   -Q veric VST.veric   -Q floyd VST.floyd   -Q progs VST.progs   -Q concurrency VST.concurrency     -Q wand_demo wand_demo   -Q sha sha   -Q hmacfcf hmacfcf   -Q tweetnacl20140427 tweetnacl20140427   -Q hmacdrbg hmacdrbg   -Q aes aes   -Q mailbox mailbox   -Q atomics atomics    -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight  
- COMPCERT_R_FLAGS= -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -R /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight
- =================================
- echo   -Q msl VST.msl   -Q sepcomp VST.sepcomp   -Q veric VST.veric   -Q floyd VST.floyd   -Q progs VST.progs   -Q concurrency VST.concurrency     -Q wand_demo wand_demo   -Q sha sha   -Q hmacfcf hmacfcf   -Q tweetnacl20140427 tweetnacl20140427   -Q hmacdrbg hmacdrbg   -Q aes aes   -Q mailbox mailbox   -Q atomics atomics    -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/lib compcert.lib  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/common compcert.common  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/x86 compcert.x86  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend  -Q /home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1/lib/coq/../coq-variant/compcert32/compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight   > _CoqProject
- util/coqflags > _CoqProject-export
- COQC msl/Axioms.v
- COQC msl/simple_CCC.v
- COQC veric/lift.v
- COQC sepcomp/extspec.v
- sh util/make_version
- COQC floyd/find_nth_tactic.v
- COQC floyd/computable_theorems.v
- COQC floyd/simple_reify.v
- COQC floyd/Clightnotations.v
- COQC concurrency/lksize.v
- COQC progs/incr.v
- File "./concurrency/lksize.v", line 12, characters 2-42:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./concurrency/lksize.v", line 18, characters 2-55:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- COQC progs/cond.v
- COQC progs/bin_search.v
- COQC progs/reverse.v
- COQC progs/reverse_client.v
- COQC progs/queue.v
- COQC progs/queue2.v
- COQC progs/sumarray.v
- COQC progs/insertionsort.v
- COQC progs/message.v
- COQC progs/string.v
- COQC progs/object.v
- COQC progs/revarray.v
- COQC progs/append.v
- COQC progs/min.v
- COQC progs/min64.v
- COQC progs/int_or_ptr.v
- COQC progs/dotprod.v
- COQC progs/strlib.v
- COQC progs/fib.v
- COQC progs/float.v
- COQC progs/global.v
- COQC progs/ptr_compare.v
- COQC progs/nest3.v
- COQC progs/nest2.v
[...] truncated
OQC msl/knot_shims.v
- COQC msl/knot_full_sa.v
- COQC msl/predicates_sl.v
- COQC msl/predicates_sa.v
- COQC msl/subtypes.v
- COQC veric/base.v
- COQC sepcomp/semantics.v
- COQC floyd/list_solver.v
- COQC floyd/compact_prod_sum.v
- COQC msl/knot_lemmas.v
- COQC msl/corable.v
- COQC msl/corable_direct.v
- COQC msl/subtypes_sl.v
- COQC msl/predicates_rec.v
- COQC msl/corec.v
- COQC msl/alg_seplog_direct.v
- COQC veric/Clight_base.v
- COQC veric/Cop2.v
- COQC veric/type_induction.v
- COQC veric/composite_compute.v
- COQC veric/Clight_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/address_conflict.v
- COQC sepcomp/semantics_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/functional_base.v
- COQC msl/knot_prop.v
- COQC msl/knot_unique.v
- COQC msl/contractive.v
- COQC msl/op_classes.v
- COQC veric/align_mem.v
- COQC sepcomp/event_semantics.v
- COQC sepcomp/step_lemmas.v
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 90, characters 5-33:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 90, characters 5-33:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 101, characters 5-33:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 101, characters 5-33:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 127, characters 50-56:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 276, characters 14-59:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 276, characters 14-59:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 276, characters 60-94:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 276, characters 60-94:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 309, characters 125-132:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- COQC msl/shares.v
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 421, characters 33-39:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 424, characters 30-36:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 522, characters 6-42:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- File "./sepcomp/event_semantics.v", line 547, characters 8-15:
- Warning: omega is deprecated since 8.12; use “lia” instead.
- [omega-is-deprecated,deprecated]
- COQC veric/Clight_core.v
- COQC msl/pshares.v
- COQC msl/msl_direct.v
- COQC msl/msl_standard.v
- COQC msl/env.v
- COQC msl/msl_classical.v
- COQC msl/normalize.v
- COQC msl/sepalg_list.v
- COQC veric/shares.v
- COQC veric/local.v
- COQC msl/alg_seplog.v
- COQC veric/splice.v
- COQC veric/rmaps.v
- COQC veric/ghost_PCM.v
- COQC msl/log_normalize.v
- COQC msl/iter_sepcon.v
- COQC msl/ramification_lemmas.v
- COQC msl/wand_frame.v
- COQC msl/wandQ_frame.v
- COQC veric/rmaps_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/compcert_rmaps.v
- COQC veric/juicy_base.v
- COQC veric/mpred.v
- COQC veric/res_predicates.v
- COQC veric/age_to_resource_at.v
- COQC veric/juicy_mem.v
- COQC veric/seplog.v
- COQC veric/slice.v
- COQC veric/superprecise.v
- COQC veric/juicy_mem_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/juicy_safety.v
- COQC veric/mapsto_memory_block.v
- COQC veric/juicy_mem_ops.v
- COQC veric/initial_world.v
- COQC veric/tycontext.v
- COQC veric/assert_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/Clight_Cop2.v
- COQC veric/expr.v
- COQC floyd/assoclists.v
- COQC veric/change_compspecs.v
- COQC veric/expr2.v
- COQC veric/environ_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas2.v
- COQC veric/expr_lemmas2.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas3.v
- COQC veric/expr_lemmas3.v
- COQC veric/Clight_mapsto_memory_block.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas4.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas5.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas6.v
- COQC veric/Clight_seplog.v
- COQC veric/own.v
- COQC veric/juicy_extspec.v
- COQC veric/NullExtension.v
- COQC veric/jstep.v
- COQC veric/mem_lessdef.v
- COQC veric/Clight_mem_lessdef.v
- COQC veric/aging_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/binop_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/expr_lemmas4.v
- COQC veric/expr_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/extend_tc.v
- COQC veric/valid_pointer.v
- COQC veric/Clight_assert_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/semax.v
- COQC veric/Clight_initial_world.v
- COQC veric/semax_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/Clight_aging_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/initialize.v
- File "./veric/semax_lemmas.v", line 22, characters 0-61:
- Warning: Declaring arbitrary terms as hints is fragile; it is recommended to
- declare a toplevel constant instead [fragile-hint-constr,automation]
- File "./veric/semax_lemmas.v", line 22, characters 0-61:
- Warning: Declaring arbitrary terms as hints is fragile; it is recommended to
- declare a toplevel constant instead [fragile-hint-constr,automation]
- File "./veric/semax_lemmas.v", line 22, characters 0-61:
- Warning: Declaring arbitrary terms as hints is fragile; it is recommended to
- declare a toplevel constant instead [fragile-hint-constr,automation]
- File "./veric/semax_lemmas.v", line 120, characters 0-32:
- Warning: Declaring arbitrary terms as hints is fragile; it is recommended to
- declare a toplevel constant instead [fragile-hint-constr,automation]
- File "./veric/semax_lemmas.v", line 651, characters 0-32:
- Warning: Declaring arbitrary terms as hints is fragile; it is recommended to
- declare a toplevel constant instead [fragile-hint-constr,automation]
- COQC veric/semax_conseq.v
- COQC veric/semax_call.v
- COQC veric/semax_switch.v
- COQC veric/semax_straight.v
- COQC veric/semax_loop.v
- COQC veric/semax_prog.v
- COQC veric/semax_ext.v
- COQC veric/semax_ext_oracle.v
- COQC veric/SeparationLogic.v
- COQC veric/SeparationLogicSoundness.v
- COQC floyd/val_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/assert_lemmas.v
- COQC veric/SequentialClight.v
- COQC floyd/SeparationLogicFacts.v
- COQC floyd/SeparationLogicAsLogic.v
- COQC floyd/SeparationLogicAsLogicSoundness.v
- COQC floyd/base.v
- COQC floyd/seplog_tactics.v
- COQC floyd/typecheck_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/computable_functions.v
- COQC floyd/const_only_eval.v
- COQC floyd/base2.v
- COQC floyd/canon.v
- COQC floyd/linking.v
- COQC floyd/client_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/fieldlist.v
- COQC floyd/local2ptree_denote.v
- COQC floyd/closed_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/semax_tactics.v
- COQC floyd/compare_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/extcall_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/deadvars.v
- COQC floyd/canonicalize.v
- COQC floyd/reassoc_seq.v
- COQC floyd/type_induction.v
- COQC floyd/nested_pred_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/aggregate_type.v
- COQC floyd/reptype_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/align_compatible_dec.v
- COQC floyd/mapsto_memory_block.v
- COQC floyd/local2ptree_eval.v
- COQC floyd/forward_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/diagnosis.v
- COQC floyd/nested_field_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/aggregate_pred.v
- COQC floyd/loadstore_mapsto.v
- COQC floyd/subsume_funspec.v
- COQC floyd/efield_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/proj_reptype_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/call_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/data_at_rec_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/local2ptree_typecheck.v
- COQC floyd/field_at.v
- COQC floyd/go_lower.v
- COQC floyd/loadstore_field_at.v
- COQC floyd/field_compat.v
- COQC floyd/unfold_data_at.v
- COQC concurrency/semax_conc_pred.v
- COQC floyd/entailer.v
- COQC floyd/stronger.v
- COQC floyd/for_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/freezer.v
- COQC floyd/replace_refill_reptype_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/nested_loadstore.v
- COQC floyd/simpl_reptype.v
- COQC floyd/sc_set_load_store.v
- COQC floyd/field_at_wand.v
- COQC progs/list_dt.v
- COQC floyd/data_at_list_solver.v
- COQC floyd/data_at_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/globals_lemmas.v
- COQC floyd/hints.v
- COQC floyd/forward.v
- COQC floyd/library.v
- COQC floyd/proofauto.v
- COQC floyd/funspec_old.v
- COQC floyd/VSU.v
- COQC progs/verif_reverse2.v
- COQC progs/verif_reverse3.v
- COQC progs/verif_reverse_client.v
- COQC progs/verif_sumarray.v
- COQC progs/verif_revarray.v
- COQC progs/verif_min.v
- COQC progs/verif_min64.v
- COQC progs/verif_float.v
- COQC progs/verif_global.v
- COQC progs/verif_ptr_compare.v
- COQC progs/verif_nest3.v
- COQC progs/verif_nest2.v
- COQC progs/verif_load_demo.v
- COQC progs/verif_store_demo.v
- COQC progs/verif_logical_compare.v
- COQC progs/verif_field_loadstore.v
- COQC progs/verif_evenodd_spec.v
- COQC progs/verif_merge.v
- COQC progs/verif_append.v
- COQC progs/verif_append2.v
- COQC progs/verif_bst.v
- COQC progs/verif_bst_oo.v
- COQC progs/verif_bin_search.v
- COQC progs/verif_floyd_tests.v
- COQC progs/verif_structcopy.v
- COQC progs/verif_sumarray2.v
- COQC progs/verif_message.v
- COQC progs/verif_object.v
- COQC progs/verif_funcptr.v
- COQC progs/tutorial1.v
- COQC progs/verif_int_or_ptr.v
- COQC progs/verif_union.v
- COQC progs/verif_cast_test.v
- COQC progs/verif_dotprod.v
- COQC progs/verif_strlib.v
- COQC progs/verif_fib.v
- COQC progs/verif_tree.v
- COQC progs/verif_loop_minus1.v
- COQC progs/verif_libglob.v
- COQC progs/verif_peel.v
- COQC progs/verif_stackframe_demo.v
- COQC progs/verif_structerr.v
- COQC progs/verif_rotate.v
- COQC progs/verif_objectSelfFancy.v
- COQC progs/verif_objectSelfFancyOverriding.v
- COQC floyd/Funspec_old_Notation.v
- COQC floyd/VSU_addmain.v
- COQC concurrency/semax_conc.v
- COQC progs/verif_reverse.v
- COQC progs/verif_queue.v
- COQC progs/verif_queue2.v
- COQC progs/verif_even.v
- COQC progs/verif_odd.v
- COQC progs/verif_switch.v
- COQC progs/bug83.v
- COQC progs/verif_objectSelf.v
- COQC progs/conclib.v
The middle of the output is truncated (maximum 20000 characters)

Installation size

No files were installed.


Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes