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coqffi 1.0.0~beta6 Error 🔥


# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp            4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                 dev         Formal proof management system
dune                3.0.3       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml               4.11.2      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.2      Official release 4.11.2
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.3       A library manager for OCaml
zarith              1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "lthms@soap.coffee"
homepage: "https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi"
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi.git"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi/issues"
license: "MIT"
synopsis: "Tool for generating Coq FFI bindings to OCaml libraries"
description: """
`coqffi` generates the necessary Coq boilerplate to use OCaml functions in a
Coq development, and configures the Coq extraction mechanism accordingly."""
build: [
  ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
depends: [
  "ocaml" {>= "4.08" & < "4.12~" }
  "dune" {>= "2.5"}
  "coq" {(>= "8.12" & < "8.14~") | = "dev"}
  "cmdliner" {>= "1.0.4"}
  "sexplib" {>= "0.14"}
tags: [
  "category:Miscellaneous/Coq Extensions"
  "keyword:foreign function interface"
authors: [
  "Thomas Letan"
  "Li-yao Xia"
  "Yann Régis-Gianas"
  "Yannick Zakowski"
url {
  src: "https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi/archive/1.0.0-beta6.tar.gz"
  checksum: "sha512=41ee9d5e297557e1f4a99cd28cbd28bb1b0e5ecc7a7a3b969cf409aec1b91229c0291640ab778d021600b5ca50bcddb407e3a92846eb2944bba857fae287fcd4"


Return code

Dry install 🏜️

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6 coq.dev
Return code

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

Return code

Install dependencies

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 4000000; timeout 4h opam install -y --deps-only coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6 coq.dev
Return code
4 m 0 s

Install 🚀

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 16000000; timeout 4h opam install -y -v coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6 coq.dev
Return code
1 m 0 s
# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base                v0.15.0     Full standard library replacement for OCaml
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
cmdliner            1.1.0       Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp            4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                 dev         Formal proof management system
csexp               1.5.1       Parsing and printing of S-expressions in Canonical form
dune                3.0.3       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
dune-configurator   3.0.3       Helper library for gathering system configuration
num                 1.4         The legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
ocaml               4.11.2      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.2      Official release 4.11.2
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.3       A library manager for OCaml
parsexp             v0.15.0     S-expression parsing library
sexplib             v0.15.0     Library for serializing OCaml values to and from S-expressions
sexplib0            v0.15.0     Library containing the definition of S-expressions and some base converters
zarith              1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is dev).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install coq-coqffi 1.0.0~beta6
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/1: [coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6: http]
[coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6] downloaded from https://github.com/coq-community/coqffi/archive/1.0.0-beta6.tar.gz
Processing  1/1:
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/2: [coq-coqffi: ./src-prepare.sh]
+ /home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "./src-prepare.sh" (CWD=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6)
- unsupported Coq version 8.16
[ERROR] The compilation of coq-coqffi failed at "/home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build ./src-prepare.sh".
#=== ERROR while compiling coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6 =============================#
# context              2.0.7 | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2 | file:///home/bench/run/opam-coq-archive/released
# path                 ~/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6
# command              ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build ./src-prepare.sh
# exit-code            1
# env-file             ~/.opam/log/coq-coqffi-21713-335865.env
# output-file          ~/.opam/log/coq-coqffi-21713-335865.out
### output ###
# unsupported Coq version 8.16
<><> Error report <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
+- The following actions failed
| - build coq-coqffi 1.0.0~beta6
- No changes have been performed
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
'opam install -y -v coq-coqffi.1.0.0~beta6 coq.dev' failed.

Installation size

No files were installed.

Uninstall 🧹

Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes