ยซ Up

stdpp 1.5.0 Error ๐Ÿ”ฅ


# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp            4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                 dev         Formal proof management system
dune                3.0.3       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml               4.11.2      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.2      Official release 4.11.2
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.3       A library manager for OCaml
zarith              1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <jung@mpi-sws.org>"
authors: "The std++ team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: "https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp"
bug-reports: "https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp/issues"
dev-repo: "git+https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp.git"
synopsis: "std++ is an extended \"Standard Library\" for Coq"
description: """
The key features of this library are as follows:
- It provides a great number of definitions and lemmas for common data
  structures such as lists, finite maps, finite sets, and finite multisets.
- It uses type classes for common notations (like `โˆ…`, `โˆช`, and Haskell-style
  monad notations) so that these can be overloaded for different data structures.
- It uses type classes to keep track of common properties of types, like it
  having decidable equality or being countable or finite.
- Most data structures are represented in canonical ways so that Leibniz
  equality can be used as much as possible (for example, for maps we have
  `m1 = m2` iff `โˆ€ i, m1 !! i = m2 !! i`). On top of that, the library provides
  setoid instances for most types and operations.
- It provides various tactics for common tasks, like an ssreflect inspired
  `done` tactic for finishing trivial goals, a simple breadth-first solver
  `naive_solver`, an equality simplifier `simplify_eq`, a solver `solve_proper`
  for proving compatibility of functions with respect to relations, and a solver
  `set_solver` for goals involving set operations.
- It is entirely dependency- and axiom-free.
tags: [
depends: [
  "coq" { (>= "8.10.2" & < "8.14~") | (= "dev") }
patches: [ "0001-Windows-CI-strip-CR-in-result-comparison.patch" ]
build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: [make "install"]
url {


Return code

Dry install ๐Ÿœ๏ธ

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-stdpp.1.5.0 coq.dev
Return code

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

Return code

Install dependencies

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 4000000; timeout 4h opam install -y --deps-only coq-stdpp.1.5.0 coq.dev
Return code
1 m 0 s

Install ๐Ÿš€

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 16000000; timeout 4h opam install -y -v coq-stdpp.1.5.0 coq.dev
Return code
1 m 0 s
# Packages matching: installed
# Name              # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray       base
base-threads        base
base-unix           base
conf-findutils      1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp            4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                 dev         Formal proof management system
dune                3.0.3       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml               4.11.2      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler 4.11.2      Official release 4.11.2
ocaml-config        1           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocamlfind           1.9.3       A library manager for OCaml
zarith              1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is dev).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install coq-stdpp 1.5.0
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/1: [coq-stdpp.1.5.0: http]
[coq-stdpp.1.5.0] downloaded from https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp/-/archive/coq-stdpp-1.5.0.tar.gz
Processing  1/1:
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/2: [coq-stdpp: patch]
Processing  1/2: [coq-stdpp: make]
+ /home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "make" "-j4" (CWD=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0)
- "coq_makefile" -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq 
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0'
- COQC theories/options.v
- COQC theories/base.v
- File "./theories/base.v", line 94, characters 0-29:
- Warning: The default value for Typeclasses Opaque and Typeclasses Transparent
- locality is currently "local" in a section and "global" otherwise, but is
- scheduled to change in a future release. For the time being, adding typeclass
- transparency hints outside of sections without specifying an explicit
- locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is recommended to use "export"
- whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local], #[global] and #[export]
- depending on your choice. For example: "#[export] Typeclasses Transparent
- foo." [deprecated-typeclasses-transparency-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 117, characters 0-29:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 118, characters 0-30:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 123, characters 0-30:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 128, characters 0-31:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 134, characters 0-31:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 135, characters 0-32:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 146, characters 0-32:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 147, characters 0-33:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 155, characters 0-32:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 156, characters 0-35:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 165, characters 0-28:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 174, characters 0-30:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 221, characters 0-34:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instanc
[...] truncated
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1142, characters 0-33:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1150, characters 0-33:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1199, characters 0-37:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1205, characters 0-31:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1236, characters 0-33:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/base.v", line 1276, characters 0-34:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- COQC theories/proof_irrel.v
- COQC theories/decidable.v
- File "./theories/decidable.v", line 15, characters 0-32:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- COQC theories/tactics.v
- COQC theories/option.v
- COQC theories/fin.v
- COQC theories/orders.v
- COQC theories/telescopes.v
- File "./theories/option.v", line 24, characters 0-40:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- File "./theories/option.v", line 41, characters 0-36:
- Warning: The default value for instance locality is currently "local" in a
- section and "global" otherwise, but is scheduled to change in a future
- release. For the time being, adding instances outside of sections without
- specifying an explicit locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is
- recommended to use "export" whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local],
- #[global] and #[export] depending on your choice. For example: "#[export]
- Instance Foo : Bar := baz." [deprecated-instance-without-locality,deprecated]
- COQTEST tests/notation.v (ref: tests/notation.ref)
- COQTEST tests/tactics.v (ref: tests/tactics.ref)
- File "./theories/telescopes.v", line 191, characters 0-34:
- Warning: The default value for Typeclasses Opaque and Typeclasses Transparent
- locality is currently "local" in a section and "global" otherwise, but is
- scheduled to change in a future release. For the time being, adding typeclass
- transparency hints outside of sections without specifying an explicit
- locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is recommended to use "export"
- whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local], #[global] and #[export]
- depending on your choice. For example: "#[export] Typeclasses Transparent
- foo." [deprecated-typeclasses-transparency-without-locality,deprecated]
- COQC theories/streams.v
- File "./theories/option.v", line 152, characters 0-32:
- Warning: The default value for Typeclasses Opaque and Typeclasses Transparent
- locality is currently "local" in a section and "global" otherwise, but is
- scheduled to change in a future release. For the time being, adding typeclass
- transparency hints outside of sections without specifying an explicit
- locality attribute is therefore deprecated. It is recommended to use "export"
- whenever possible. Use the attributes #[local], #[global] and #[export]
- depending on your choice. For example: "#[export] Typeclasses Transparent
- foo." [deprecated-typeclasses-transparency-without-locality,deprecated]
- --- tests/tactics.ref	2021-02-15 17:58:42.000000000 +0000
- +++ /tmp/tmp.yK5ZHucaQv	2022-03-27 23:54:07.869288732 +0000
- @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 38, characters 2-29:
-  The command has indeed failed with message:
-  Failed to progress.
- +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 39, characters 16-28:
-  The command has indeed failed with message:
-  Failed to progress.
- +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 49, characters 22-35:
-  The command has indeed failed with message:
-  Failed to progress.
- make[2]: *** [Makefile.coq.local:38: tests/tactics.vo] Error 1
- make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
- make[1]: *** [Makefile.coq:408: all] Error 2
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0'
- make: *** [Makefile:3: all] Error 2
[ERROR] The compilation of coq-stdpp failed at "/home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build make -j4".
#=== ERROR while compiling coq-stdpp.1.5.0 ====================================#
# context              2.0.7 | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2 | file:///home/bench/run/opam-coq-archive/released
# path                 ~/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0
# command              ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build make -j4
# exit-code            2
# env-file             ~/.opam/log/coq-stdpp-23902-8b8a2d.env
# output-file          ~/.opam/log/coq-stdpp-23902-8b8a2d.out
### output ###
# +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 38, characters 2-29:
# [...]
# +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 39, characters 16-28:
#  The command has indeed failed with message:
#  Failed to progress.
# +File "/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0/tests/tactics.v", line 49, characters 22-35:
#  The command has indeed failed with message:
#  Failed to progress.
# make[2]: *** [Makefile.coq.local:38: tests/tactics.vo] Error 1
# make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
# make[1]: *** [Makefile.coq:408: all] Error 2
# make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.2/.opam-switch/build/coq-stdpp.1.5.0'
# make: *** [Makefile:3: all] Error 2
<><> Error report <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
+- The following actions failed
| - build coq-stdpp 1.5.0
- No changes have been performed
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
'opam install -y -v coq-stdpp.1.5.0 coq.dev' failed.
The middle of the output is truncated (maximum 20000 characters)

Installation size

No files were installed.

Uninstall ๐Ÿงน

Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes