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libvalidsdp 1.0.0 Not compatible 👼


# Packages matching: installed
# Name                # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray         base
base-threads          base
base-unix             base
conf-findutils        1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp              4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                   8.14.0      Formal proof management system
dune                  3.1.1       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml                 4.13.1      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler   4.13.1      Official release 4.13.1
ocaml-config          2           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocaml-options-vanilla 1           Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled
ocamlfind             1.9.3       A library manager for OCaml
zarith                1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: [
  "Pierre Roux <pierre.roux@onera.fr>"
  "Érik Martin-Dorel <erik.martin-dorel@irit.fr>"
homepage: "https://sourcesup.renater.fr/validsdp/"
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/validsdp/validsdp.git"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/validsdp/validsdp/issues"
license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later"
build: [
  ["sh" "-c" "./configure"]
  [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: [make "install"]
depends: [
  "coq" {>= "8.12" & < "8.16~"}
  "coq-flocq" {>= "3.3.0"}
  "coq-coquelicot" {>= "3.0"}
  "coq-interval" {>= "4.0.0" & < "5~"}
  "coq-mathcomp-field" {>= "1.12" & < "1.15~"}
  "coq-mathcomp-analysis" {>= "0.3.4" & < "0.4~"}
  "ocamlfind" {build}
  "conf-autoconf" {build & dev}
synopsis: "LibValidSDP"
description: """
LibValidSDP is a library for the Coq formal proof assistant. It provides
results mostly about rounding errors in the Cholesky decomposition algorithm
used in the ValidSDP library which itself implements Coq tactics to prove
multivariate inequalities using SDP solvers.
Once installed, the following modules can be imported :
From libValidSDP Require Import Rstruct.v misc.v real_matrix.v bounded.v float_spec.v fsum.v fcmsum.v binary64.v cholesky.v float_infnan_spec.v binary64_infnan.v cholesky_infnan.v flx64.v zulp.v coqinterval_infnan.v.
tags: [
  "keyword:floating-point arithmetic"
  "keyword:Cholesky decomposition"
  "category:Miscellaneous/Coq Extensions"
authors: [
  "Pierre Roux <pierre.roux@onera.fr>"
  "Érik Martin-Dorel <erik.martin-dorel@irit.fr>"
url {
  src: "https://github.com/validsdp/validsdp/releases/download/v1.0.0/libvalidsdp-1.0.0.tar.gz"
  checksum: "sha512=911a7f3dce7984d54ca8b33dac9532e52000273c8e7928e02010e14e44caa1b4f3903fe6cc3f1b33e0e5a25394e20872a7a88091585fd8b02ad25e7a55d3c71f"


Return code

Dry install 🏜️

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-libvalidsdp.1.0.0 coq.8.14.0
Return code
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is 8.14.0).
The following dependencies couldn't be met:
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-mathcomp-finmap < 1.4~ -> coq < 8.11.1 -> ocaml < 4.10
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-mathcomp-finmap < 1.4~ -> coq-mathcomp-ssreflect < 1.8~ -> coq < 8.10~ -> ocaml < 4.10
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq < 8.12.0~ -> ocaml < 4.12
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> ocaml < 4.12~
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> elpi < 1.14.0~ -> camlp5 < 8.00~alpha01 -> ocaml < 4.13.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> elpi < 1.14.0~ -> ocaml-migrate-parsetree < 2.0.0 -> ocaml < 4.13
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> elpi < 1.14.0~ -> ppx_tools_versioned < 5.2.1 -> ocaml < 4.08.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> elpi < 1.14.0~ -> ppxlib < 0.15.0 -> ocaml-migrate-parsetree < 2.0.0 -> ocaml < 4.13
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> elpi < 1.14.0~ -> ppxlib < 0.15.0 -> ocaml < 4.10.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq-hierarchy-builder -> coq-elpi < 1.9~ -> coq (< 8.13~ | >= 8.15) -> ocaml < 4.12
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-libvalidsdp -> coq-mathcomp-analysis < 0.4~ -> coq < 8.9~ -> ocaml < 4.12
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
Your request can't be satisfied:
  - No available version of coq satisfies the constraints
No solution found, exiting

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

opam remove -y coq; opam install -y --show-action --unlock-base coq-libvalidsdp.1.0.0
Return code

Install dependencies

Return code
0 s

Install 🚀

Return code
0 s

Installation size

No files were installed.

Uninstall 🧹

Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes