ยซ Up

trakt 1.1 Not compatible ๐Ÿ‘ผ


# Packages matching: installed
# Name                # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray         base
base-threads          base
base-unix             base
conf-gmp              4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                   dev         The Coq Proof Assistant
coq-core              dev         The Coq Proof Assistant -- Core Binaries and Tools
coq-stdlib            dev         The Coq Proof Assistant -- Standard Library
coqide-server         dev         The Coq Proof Assistant, XML protocol server
dune                  3.12.1      Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml                 4.14.0      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler   4.14.0      Official release 4.14.0
ocaml-config          2           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocaml-options-vanilla 1           Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled
ocamlfind             1.9.6       A library manager for OCaml
zarith                1.13        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
name: "coq-trakt"
maintainer: "Enzo Crance <enzo.crance@inria.fr>"
authors: [ "Enzo Crance" ]
license: "LGPL-3.0-or-later"
homepage: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trakt"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trakt/issues"
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trakt.git"
doc: "https://ecrancemerce.github.io/trakt/"
build: [ make "-j%{jobs}%" ]
install: [ make "install" ]
depends: [
  "coq-elpi" {>= "1.11.1" & < "1.15~"}
  "coq" {>= "8.13~" & < "8.16~" }
tags: [ 
  "category:Computer Science/Decision Procedures and Certified Algorithms/Decision procedures"
  "category:Miscellaneous/Coq Extensions"
synopsis: "A generic goal preprocessing tool for proof automation tactics in Coq"
description: """
Trakt is a Coq plugin that provides a new Coq tactic, trakt, for preprocessing goals before handing them to a proof automation tactic, as well as Coq commands to fill a knowledge database before calling the tactic.
Drawing inspiration from the zify tactic in the Coq standard library, it acts like a type-level funnel by casting all the possible values in the goal into a given target type. It can also express logic in Prop or bool according to the user's choice.
The translation is implemented in Coq-Elpi. It is certifying (it leaves no proof obligation), generic (the translation does not focus on a precise theory, it is determined by the parameters and user knowledge), and efficient (it tries to make sparse use of Coq conversion).
url {
  src: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trakt/archive/1.1.tar.gz"
  checksum: "sha256=2e5b7cc8db54c61db9beb87540705185c33ea7a37a89fd9330852ec424e7f14f"


Return code

Dry install ๐Ÿœ๏ธ

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-trakt.1.1 coq.dev
Return code
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is dev).
The following dependencies couldn't be met:
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> ocaml < 4.12~
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> camlp5 < 8.00~alpha01 -> ocaml < 4.13.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ocaml < 4.14.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ocaml-migrate-parsetree < 2.0.0 -> ocaml < 4.13
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ppx_tools_versioned < 5.2.1 -> ocaml-migrate-parsetree < 2.0.0 -> ocaml < 4.13
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ppx_tools_versioned < 5.2.1 -> ocaml < 4.08.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ppxlib < 0.15.0 -> ocaml-migrate-parsetree < 2.0.0 -> ocaml < 4.13
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> elpi < 1.15.0~ -> ppxlib < 0.15.0 -> ocaml < 4.10.0
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
  - coq-trakt -> coq-elpi < 1.15~ -> coq < 8.16~ -> ocaml < 4.12
      base of this switch (use `--unlock-base' to force)
Your request can't be satisfied:
  - No available version of coq satisfies the constraints
No solution found, exiting

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

opam remove -y coq; opam install -y --show-action --unlock-base coq-trakt.1.1
Return code

Install dependencies

Return code
0 s

Install ๐Ÿš€

Return code
0 s

Installation size

No files were installed.

Uninstall ๐Ÿงน

Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes