ยซ Up

fiat-crypto 0.0.17 Error ๐Ÿ”ฅ


# Packages matching: installed
# Name                # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray         base
base-threads          base
base-unix             base
conf-findutils        1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp              4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                   8.15.1      Formal proof management system
dune                  3.6.2       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml                 4.14.0      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler   4.14.0      Official release 4.14.0
ocaml-config          2           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocaml-options-vanilla 1           Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled
ocamlfind             1.9.5       A library manager for OCaml
zarith                1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
# opam file:
opam-version: "2.0"
authors: [
  "Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>"
  "Google Inc."
  "Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu> <jade.philipoom@gmail.com>"
  "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
  "Zoe Paraskevopoulou <zoe.paraskevopoulou@gmail.com>"
maintainer: "Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>"
homepage: "https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/issues"
license: "MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR BSD-1-Clause"
build: [
  [make "-j%{jobs}%" "EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES=1" "SKIP_COQSCRIPTS_INCLUDE=1" "coq" "standalone-ocaml"]
install: [make "EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES=1" "SKIP_COQSCRIPTS_INCLUDE=1" "BINDIR=%{bin}%" "install" "install-standalone-ocaml"]
depends: [
  "conf-findutils" {build}
  "ocaml" {build & >= "4.08~"}
  "ocamlfind" {build}
  "coq" {>= "8.15~"}
  "coq-coqprime" {>= "1.2.0"}
  "coq-rewriter" {>= "0.0.6" & <= "0.0.7"}
  "coq-rupicola" {= "0.0.6"}
  "coq-bedrock2-compiler" {= "0.0.4"}
conflict-class: [
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto.git"
synopsis: "Cryptographic Primitive Code Generation by Fiat"
description: """
Coq code and proofs for a command-line binary that can synthesize proven-correct
big-integer modular field arithmetic operations for cryptography.
Target languages include C, Rust, Zig, Go, and bedrock2.
tags: ["logpath:Crypto"]
url {
  src: "https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/archive/refs/tags/v0.0.17.tar.gz"
  checksum: "sha512=c7688c84fcc10cc063cff24d5d3d52edd04f26b16adb00e7389d648964e2a0cc0d81fa615d9091e491edd6fed81859f1ea4a12e19ba6793975be2b301369778a"


Return code

Dry install ๐Ÿœ๏ธ

Dry install with the current Coq version:

opam install -y --show-action coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17 coq.8.15.1
Return code

Dry install without Coq/switch base, to test if the problem was incompatibility with the current Coq/OCaml version:

Return code

Install dependencies

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 4000000; timeout 4h opam install -y --deps-only coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17 coq.8.15.1
Return code
3 h 38 m

Install ๐Ÿš€

opam list; echo; ulimit -Sv 16000000; timeout 4h opam install -y -v coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17 coq.8.15.1
Return code
4 h 1 m
# Packages matching: installed
# Name                # Installed # Synopsis
base-bigarray         base
base-threads          base
base-unix             base
conf-findutils        1           Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp              4           Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation
coq                   8.15.1      Formal proof management system
coq-bedrock2          0.0.4       A work-in-progress language and compiler for verified low-level programming
coq-bedrock2-compiler 0.0.4       A work-in-progress language and compiler for verified low-level programming (compiler part)
coq-bignums           8.15.0      Bignums, the Coq library of arbitrary large numbers
coq-coqprime          1.2.0       Certifying prime numbers in Coq
coq-coqutil           0.0.2       Coq library for tactics, basic definitions, sets, maps
coq-record-update     0.3.1       Generic support for updating record fields in Coq
coq-rewriter          0.0.7       Reflective PHOAS rewriting/pattern-matching-compilation framework for simply-typed equalities and let-lifting, experimental and tailored for use in Fiat Cryptography
coq-riscv             0.0.3       RISC-V Specification in Coq, somewhat experimental
coq-rupicola          0.0.6       Gallina to imperative code compilation, currently in design phase
dune                  3.6.2       Fast, portable, and opinionated build system
ocaml                 4.14.0      The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-base-compiler   4.14.0      Official release 4.14.0
ocaml-config          2           OCaml Switch Configuration
ocaml-options-vanilla 1           Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled
ocamlfind             1.9.5       A library manager for OCaml
zarith                1.12        Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers
[NOTE] Package coq is already installed (current version is 8.15.1).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install coq-fiat-crypto 0.0.17
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/1: [coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17: http]
[coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17] downloaded from https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/archive/refs/tags/v0.0.17.tar.gz
Processing  1/1:
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/2: [coq-fiat-crypto: make coq]
+ /home/bench/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "make" "-j4" "EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES=1" "SKIP_COQSCRIPTS_INCLUDE=1" "coq" "standalone-ocaml" (CWD=/home/bench/.opam/ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.0/.opam-switch/build/coq-fiat-crypto.0.0.17)
- ./src/Rewriter/PerfTesting/Specific/make.py primes.txt
- GENTEST --makefile fiat-amd64/*.asm > Makefile.test-amd64-files.mk
- ECHO > _CoqProject
- COQ_MAKEFILE -f _CoqProject > Makefile.coq
- Warning: native compilation is globally deactivated by the configure flag
- fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
- Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
- Makefile:154: warning: overriding recipe for target 'all'
- Makefile.coq:386: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'all'
- Makefile:489: warning: overriding recipe for target 'validate'
- Makefile.coq:514: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'validate'
- ECHO > src/Util/Tactics.v
- fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
- Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
- fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
- Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
- Makefile:154: warning: overriding recipe for target 'all'
- Makefile.coq:386: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'all'
- Makefile:489: warning: overriding recipe for target 'validate'
- Makefile.coq:514: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'validate'
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Hints/Core.v
- COQC src/Util/NatUtil.v
- COQC src/Util/Pointed.v
- COQC src/Util/IffT.v
- COQC src/Util/Isomorphism.v
- COQC src/Util/HProp.v
- COQC src/Util/GlobalSettings.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Test.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ConstrFail.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/ZSimplify/Simple.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/ReplaceNegWithPos.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/GetGoal.v
- COQC src/Util/Strings/Decimal.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Contains.v
- COQC src/Util/Comparison.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/SplitMinMax.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/HasBody.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/PrintContext.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/DebugPrint.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/NthExt.v
- COQC src/Util/Bool/Equality.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Div/Bootstrap.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Modulo/Bootstrap.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/PrimeBound.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/CompareToSgn.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/DivideExistsMul.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Lnot.v
- COQC src/Util/Bool/LeCompat.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/N2Z.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Pow2.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/PeelLe.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/NormalizeCommutativeIdentifier.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SetEvars.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SubstEvars.v
- COQC src/Util/PER.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/FoldMap.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/PermutationCompat.v
- COQC src/Util/NUtil/Sorting.v
- COQC src/Util/NUtil/Testbit.v
- COQC src/Util/Unit.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/SetoidListRev.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/RemoveN.v
- COQC src/Algebra/Nsatz.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Odd.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/OnSubterms.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Revert.v
- COQC src/Util/Factorize.v
- COQC src/Util/Decidable/Bool2Prop.v
- COQC src/Util/FueledLUB.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SimplifyRepeatedIfs.v
- COQC src/TAPSort.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Z2Nat.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ETransitivity.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SubstLet.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/ModExp.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_25519_carry_square_optimised.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_25519_carry_square_optimised_seed10.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_25519_carry_square_optimised_seed20.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_mul_optimised_seed11.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_mul_optimised_seed12.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_mul_optimised_seed4.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_square_optimised_seed103.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_square_optimised_seed46.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/fiat_p256_square_optimised_seed6.v
- COQC src/Assembly/Parse/Examples/boringssl_nasm_full_mul_p256.v
- COQC src/Util/Loops.v
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/InvertHighLow.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ChangeInAll.v
- COQC src/Util/DefaultedTypes.v
- COQC src/Util/Pos.v
- COQC src/Util/Sumbool.v
- COQC src/Util/Bool/IsTrue.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/DistrIf.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Ge.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Mul.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Sgn.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Sorting.v
- COQC src/Util/SideConditions/CorePackages.v
- COQC src/Util/Logic/ImplAnd.v
- COQC src/Util/Sigma/Associativity.v
- COQC src/Util/Sigma/Lift.v
- COQC src/Util/Sigma/MapProjections.v
- COQC src/Util/Sigma/Related.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/CPSId.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/EvarNormalize.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ClearFree.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ClearAll.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ClearDuplicates.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ClearbodyAll.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ConvoyDestruct.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/DestructTrivial.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/ESpecialize.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/EvarExists.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Forward.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/PoseTermWithName.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SideConditionsBeforeToAfter.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SimplifyProjections.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/TransparentAssert.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/UnfoldArg.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/UnifyAbstractReflexivity.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/VM.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Hints/ZArith.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Hints/Ztestbit.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Hints/PullPush.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/ZSimplify/Core.v
- COQC src/Util/Equality.v
- COQC src/Util/FixCoqMistakes.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Not.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SplitInContext.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SetoidSubst.v
- COQC src/Util/PrimitiveProd.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/FindHyp.v
- COQC src/Util/DynList.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/CountBinders.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/AppendUnderscores.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/PrintGoal.v
- COQC src/Util/PrimitiveHList.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/RunTacticAsConstr.v
- COQC src/Util/Structures/Equalities.v
- COQC src/Util/Structures/Equalities/Iso.v
- COQC src/Util/Logic/Forall.v
- COQC src/Util/Logic/Exists.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/DivModToQuotRem.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Modulo/PullPush.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Tactics/LinearSubstitute.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Opp.v
- COQC src/Util/Logic/ProdForall.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/Partition.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/StdlibCompat.v
- COQC src/Util/Structures/Equalities/Project.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/Concat.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/Filter.v
- COQC src/Util/Logic.v
- COQC src/Util/Structures/Equalities/Unit.v
- COQC src/Util/Sorting/Sorted/Proper.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/WarnIfGoalsRemain.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/CombineExtend.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Nat2Z.v
- COQC src/Util/Telescope/Core.v
- COQC src/Util/ListUtil/Split.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/RevertUntil.v
- COQC src/Util/Curry.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics.v
- COQC src/Util/Tower.v
- COQC src/Util/Wf.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/HeadUnderBinders.v
- COQC src/Util/Structures/Equalities/Empty.v
- COQC src/Util/Strings/String_as_OT.v
- COQC src/Util/Strings/String_as_OT_old.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/CacheTerm.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Delta1.v
- COQC src/Util/ZUtil/Hints.v
- COQC src/Util/Prod.v
- COQC src/Util/Sigma.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/Head.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/DestructHyps.v
- COQC src/Util/Notations.v
- COQC src/Util/Tactics/SpecializeBy.v
- File "./src/Util/Sigma.v", line 376, characters 0-52:
- Warning: The Ltac name inversion_sigma may be unusable because of a conflict
- with a notation. [unu
[...] truncated
te rules...
- Tactic call ran for 41.021 secs (4.371u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 3.953 secs (0.421u,0.s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 21.992 secs (2.307u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 1.543 secs (0.154u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 6.937 secs (0.762u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 75.863 secs (8.213u,0.015s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 109.35 secs (11.57u,0.003s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 66.376 secs (6.591u,0.007s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- Tactic call ran for 173.298 secs (18.096u,0.027s) (success)
- COQC src/Rewriter/Passes/NoSelect.v
- Reifying...
- Compiling decision tree...
- Splitting rewrite rules...
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 1.41 secs (0.139u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.179 secs (0.017u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.857 secs (0.088u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 0.307 secs (0.044u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 6.348 secs (0.73u,0.s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 15.903 secs (1.638u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 9.293 secs (0.918u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 93.379 secs (9.668u,0.054s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- COQC src/Rewriter/Passes/RelaxBitwidthAdcSbb.v
- Reifying...
- Compiling decision tree...
- Splitting rewrite rules...
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 1.476 secs (0.152u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.606 secs (0.064u,0.003s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 1.127 secs (0.112u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 0.85 secs (0.086u,0.s) (success)
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- Tactic call ran for 8.307 secs (0.841u,0.008s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 23.412 secs (2.342u,0.004s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 5.679 secs (0.682u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- COQC src/Rewriter/Passes/ToFancy.v
- Reifying...
- Compiling decision tree...
- Splitting rewrite rules...
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 0.233 secs (0.025u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.071 secs (0.007u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.748 secs (0.076u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 0.073 secs (0.009u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 2.859 secs (0.283u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- COQC src/Rewriter/Passes/ToFancyWithCasts.v
- Reifying...
- COQC src/Rewriter/Passes/UnfoldValueBarrier.v
- Reifying...
- Compiling decision tree...
- Splitting rewrite rules...
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 0.43 secs (0.038u,0.003s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.068 secs (0.008u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.748 secs (0.076u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 0.124 secs (0.012u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.392 secs (0.032u,0.003s) (success)
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 3.548 secs (0.363u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- COQC src/AbstractInterpretation/WfExtra.v
- COQC src/AbstractInterpretation/Proofs.v
- Compiling decision tree...
- Splitting rewrite rules...
- Assembling rewrite_head...
- Reducing rewrite_head...
- Tactic call ran for 13.947 secs (1.596u,0.s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 2137.892 secs (224.931u,0.417s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 3.059 secs (0.346u,0.s) (success)
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 32.939 secs (3.648u,0.011s) (success)
- COQC src/Arithmetic/BaseConversion.v
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/SaturatedSolinasReificationCache.v
- Tactic call ran for 106.858 secs (11.317u,0.003s) (success)
- Finished transaction in 41.385 secs (4.237u,0.015s) (successful)
- Tactic call ran for 521.41 secs (55.75u,0.219s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 2.816 secs (0.304u,0.s) (success)
- Finished transaction in 25.975 secs (2.598u,0.004s) (successful)
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/BaseConversionReificationCache.v
- Assembling rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Reducing rewrite_head_no_dtree...
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Finished transaction in 20.463 secs (2.076u,0.018s) (successful)
- Proving Rewriter_Wf...
- Tactic call ran for 19.77 secs (2.169u,0.s) (success)
- Finished transaction in 15.442 secs (1.611u,0.003s) (successful)
- COQC src/Stringification/C.v
- COQC src/Stringification/Rust.v
- COQC src/Stringification/Go.v
- COQC src/Stringification/Java.v
- COQC src/Stringification/JSON.v
- COQC src/Stringification/Zig.v
- Tactic call ran for 92.267 secs (9.711u,0.003s) (success)
- COQC src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction.v
- Proving Rewriter_Interp...
- Tactic call ran for 281.041 secs (30.205u,0.031s) (success)
- Finished transaction in 4026.218 secs (418.579u,0.263s) (successful)
- File "./src/UnsaturatedSolinasHeuristics/Tests.v", line 155, characters 0-1766:
- Warning: native_compute disabled at configure time; falling back to
- vm_compute. [native-compute-disabled,native-compiler]
- COQC src/Arithmetic/FancyMontgomeryReduction.v
- Tactic call ran for 101.818 secs (10.784u,0.027s) (success)
- COQC src/ArithmeticCPS/BaseConversion.v
- COQC src/Assembly/WithBedrock/Proofs.v
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- Tactic call ran for 286.933 secs (30.821u,0.022s) (success)
- Tactic call ran for 78.839 secs (8.459u,0.015s) (success)
- Assembling verified rewriter...
- Refining with verified rewriter...
- COQC src/Bedrock/Field/Stringification/FlattenVarData.v
- COQC src/Curves/Montgomery/AffineInstances.v
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/BarrettReductionReificationCache.v
- Finished transaction in 62.632 secs (6.613u,0.059s) (successful)
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/FancyMontgomeryReductionReificationCache.v
- Finished transaction in 41.96 secs (4.363u,0.003s) (successful)
- COQC src/Rewriter/All.v
- COQC src/Arithmetic/Freeze.v
- Finished transaction in 53.94 secs (5.714u,0.041s) (successful)
- COQC src/CompilersTestCases.v
- COQC src/ArithmeticCPS/Freeze.v
- Finished transaction in 28.981 secs (3.061u,0.003s) (successful)
- COQC src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v
- COQC src/BoundsPipeline.v
- COQC src/Arithmetic/WordByWordMontgomery.v
- Finished transaction in 176.088 secs (18.615u,0.05s) (successful)
- Warning: Native compiler is disabled, -native-compiler ondemand option
- ignored. [native-compiler-disabled,native-compiler]
- Warning: The native-compiler option is deprecated. To compile native files
- ahead of time, use the coqnative binary instead.
- [deprecated-native-compiler-option,deprecated]
- Warning: Native compiler is disabled, -native-compiler ondemand option
- ignored. [native-compiler-disabled,native-compiler]
- Warning: The native-compiler option is deprecated. To compile native files
- ahead of time, use the coqnative binary instead.
- [deprecated-native-compiler-option,deprecated]
- COQC src/PushButtonSynthesis/UnsaturatedSolinasReificationCache.v
- Finished transaction in 28.611 secs (2.655u,0.037s) (successful)
- build_inputs start
- build_inputs end
- Finished transaction in 20.259 secs (1.779u,0.s) (successful)
- build_merge_base_addresses start
- build_merge_base_addresses end
- build_merge_base_addresses start
- Finished transaction in 33.166 secs (3.117u,0.02s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 21.871 secs (2.35u,0.007s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 346.89 secs (9.414u,0.613s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 22.191 secs (2.332u,0.008s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 17.77 secs (1.878u,0.004s) (successful)
- build_merge_base_addresses end
- Finished transaction in 40.49 secs (4.432u,0.016s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 13.926 secs (1.553u,0.s) (successful)
- build_merge_stack_placeholders start
- build_merge_stack_placeholders end
- Finished transaction in 11.284 secs (1.261u,0.s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 16.42 secs (1.69u,0.s) (successful)
- get callee_saved_registers start
- get callee_saved_registers end
- Finished transaction in 11.046 secs (1.222u,0.003s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 5.687 secs (0.643u,0.s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 5.021 secs (0.516u,0.s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 9.687 secs (0.979u,0.s) (successful)
- get callee_saved_registers start
- SymexLines start
- SymexLines end
- Finished transaction in 6.377 secs (0.684u,0.003s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 10.373 secs (1.012u,0.s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 7.117 secs (0.688u,0.s) (successful)
- Finished transaction in 15.645 secs (1.635u,0.003s) (successful)
- get callee_saved_registers start
- get callee_saved_registers end
- Finished transaction in 14.273 secs (1.559u,0.03s) (successful)
- LoadArray start
- LoadArray end
- LoadOutputs start
- Finished transaction in 18.063 secs (1.898u,0.003s) (successful)
- LoadOutputs end
- LoadOutputs start
- Finished transaction in 17.335 secs (1.943u,0.003s) (successful)
The middle of the output is truncated (maximum 20000 characters)

Installation size

No files were installed.

Uninstall ๐Ÿงน

Return code
Missing removes
Wrong removes